How safe is your home? Find out by answering a few questions. Know your home safety score, which ranges from 1 to 100. Also, get empowered with steps to increase your home's safety.
Do you have a safety door?
What is the dimension of the main door?
What is the thickness of the main door?
How many locks are on your main door?
How sturdy are the hinges of the main door?
When did you last hear about robbery in your locality?
Which of the below designs is on your safety door lock key?
Which of the below designs is on your main door lock key?
According to you how equipped is your building/society in terms of safety and security? (for eg: presence of 24x7 security guards, CCTV cameras, etc)
Do you have children aged between 0 - 12 and/or senior citizen in your home?
How many people other than your family have access to the keys of your house?
Based on your answers to the questionnaire, here are a few safety tips.
*All results under the home safety quotient are general, indicative and for informational purposes only. The Company disclaims any warranty, express or implied as to the accuracy, adequacy, correctness of the said results for the product.
Your neighbours can keep an eye on your home, in times of trouble or even when you are out.
To enhance the safety of your elderly relatives, add a strong double door to your main door.
Whenever you go out of town, don’t post your location on social media. Avoid revealing to strangers online that your home is empty.
Instead of just one front door key used between all home members, let everyone have his or her own duplicate key. This avoids the unsafe habit of keeping the key under the welcome mat or in a potted plant.
To stay safe online, use a passphrase instead of password. It’s longer, more complex, and thus difficult to crack. For example, MogambokhushHua#77
If you provide your duplicate keys to anyone besides a family member, such as your domestic assistance or security guards, be sure they are someone you can trust.
Twinbolt Rim Lock
Tribolt Rim Lock
Vertibolt Rim Lock
Dead Bolt Rim Lock
Centaur Rim Lock
Astro Rim Lock
Altrix Rim Lock
Pentabolt Aries Rim Lock
Spacetek Pro Digital Lock
Advantis Rim Verti Digital Lock
Advantis Revolution Digital Lock
Catus Touch Pro Digital Lock
Catus Touch Digital Lock
Catus Touch Plus Digital Lock
Catus Connect Smart Digital Lock
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